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"ⓘ" : "More info"), t }, Afterpay.init = function(t) { Afterpay.supportedTheme = Afterpay.supportedThemes[afterpay_theme_name.toLowerCase()], Afterpay.mutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; /^\/cart/i.test(window.location.pathname) ? 0 != afterpay_cart_integration_enabled && Afterpay.initStaticCartPage(t) : /^\/(collections|products)/i.test(window.location.pathname) && afterpay_product && afterpay_product_integration_enabled && Afterpay.initProductPage(t), 0 != afterpay_cart_dynamic_integration_enabled && Afterpay.supportedTheme && Afterpay.supportedTheme.hasOwnProperty("cart") && Afterpay.supportedTheme.cart.hasOwnProperty("dynamic_content") && t.each(Afterpay.supportedTheme.cart.dynamic_content, function(e, a) { a.hasOwnProperty("target_selector") && a.hasOwnProperty("addedNode_selector") && a.hasOwnProperty("subtotal_selector") && (Afterpay.mutationObserver && new Afterpay.mutationObserver(function(e, r) { var p, o; for (p = 0; p < e.length; p++) if (Afterpay.supportedTheme && t(e[p].target).is(a.target_selector)) for (o = 0; o < e[p].addedNodes.length; o++) if ("object" == typeof e[p].addedNodes[o] && t(e[p].addedNodes[o]).is(a.addedNode_selector)) { var c = Afterpay.renderParagraph(t, { total_price: afterpay_cart_total_price, page_name: "dynamic_cart" }); "USD" != afterpay_shop_currency && (c.find(".afterpay-text1").html("or 4 payments of "), c.find(".afterpay-text2").html(" with ")), (afterpay_cart_total_price < 100 * afterpay_min || afterpay_cart_total_price > 100 * afterpay_max) && ("USD" == afterpay_shop_currency ? c = Afterpay.generateOutsideLimitHTML(c) : c.hide()), "undefined" != typeof afterpay_cart_dynamic_css && c.css(afterpay_cart_dynamic_css), t(a.target_selector).find(a.addedNode_selector).find(a.subtotal_selector).after(c), a.paragraph_css && c.css(a.paragraph_css), $logo_element = c.find(".afterpay-logo"), $logo_element.length > 0 && a.logo_css && $logo_element.css(a.logo_css), "function" == typeof a.after_render && a.after_render(t, c) } }).observe(document, { childList: !0, attributes: !1, characterData: !1, subtree: !0, attributeOldValue: !1, characterDataOldValue: !1 }), t(document).ajaxComplete(function(e, r, p) { if ("/cart" == p.url) { var o = t(r.responseText).find(a.subtotal_selector).find("span.visually-hidden"); if (o.length > 0) { var c = o.text(), n = Number(c.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")); afterpay_cart_total_price = n } } else if ("/cart/change.js" == p.url && 200 == r.status && "OK" == r.statusText) { n = r.responseJSON.total_price; afterpay_cart_total_price = n } })) }) }, Afterpay.initProductPage = function(t) { var e, a = null, r = null, p = null, o = "after"; e = Afterpay.renderParagraph(t, { total_price: afterpay_current_variant.price, page_name: "product" }), "undefined" != typeof afterpay_product_selector ? 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